Kilby Historic Site and the Kilby Heritage Society

Kilby Historic Site is a Province of British Columbia owned Heritage Property & Park, and is situated on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Qwolo’wt Peoples (the Sq’éwlets and Sts’ailes First Nations). The Kilby Heritage Society is a not-for-profit charitable organization governed by a volunteer Board of Director. Currently this Society holds a five year management agreement with the provincial government to operate the museum & farm; 41 site campground, boat launch & day use area and the 17 acres of farm land between these two properties.

The Kilby Historic Site and Kilby Heritage Society offices are housed in the Cottage located right here in the centre of the heritage site grounds. The Cottage was built near the present Kilby Park campground by the Martin family in the 1890s. When Acton and Jessie Kilby took over operation of the Store in 1922 the Cottage was moved to its present site for Thomas and Eliza Kilby. The job was accomplished by one horse, a capstan from a steamboat, and log rollers. The Cottage was extensively rebuilt after the 1948 Flood and as mentioned now used as administration offices.

The Kilby Heritage Society

The Kilby Heritage Society is a community based, charitable, non profit society operating within Harrison Mills. The Society was incorporated in 1999 under the BC Society Act and has a volunteer Board of Directors who meets monthly.

Mission and Vision Statement

Our vision and mission serve as touchstones for all decision making. Accountability requires every major decision to be scrutinized as to whether it advances the organization towards its vision and serves the mission.

Our mission is to enable and support the Kilby Historic Site to preserve and honour the unique and relevant history of the Kilby family, Harrison Mills, and surrounding communities.

Our vision statement is to, the best of our ability, facilitate the goals of the Kilby Historic Site and manage the properties cooperatively with the provincial ministry responsible for heritage properties.

  • To enhance the experience of the visiting public by enjoying an innovative experience, including farm life, historic displays and exhibits.
  • Educational initiatives, including seniors and school programming.
  • Curatorial responsibilities include documentation, organization, cataloguing, digitization of artifacts, photographs and documents for the upkeep of the database as well as the security of the collection for research and posterity.
  • Preservation and improvement of the Kilby Historic Site including the surrounding 17 acres of farmland and campground.
  • Our goal is always to aim towards self-sustainability while still preserving the integrity and beauty of the properties.
  • To build community with the inclusion of First Nations, business, organizations, and residents in the local surrounding area.
  • To acknowledge and honour the traditional territories of Sq’éwlets and Sts’ailes which the properties we operate are located on.
  • We are mandated to follow the standards and guidelines of the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada in all decisions we make.


The bylaws are the main governing document, and guiding principles for a nonprofit organization. They are helpful in preventing or resolving conflicts and disagreements. They also protect the organization from potential problems by clearly outlining rules around authority levels, rights, and expectations.

Bylaws establish procedures for holding elections, organizing meetings, quorum requirements, membership structure and other essential operations of our nonprofit. These bylaws will also serve as an organizational manual and will help guide us through the orderly operation of our society.

Our bylaws supplement the rules already defined by the Province of BC and guide how our nonprofit is run.

The Kilby Heritage Society is comprised of local volunteers. If you would like more information on becoming part of the Board please call 604-796-0414.

Current Directors

2024-2025 Board of Directors: Clare O’Halloran-Chalupa – President; Gordon Robertson – Vice-President; Mel Waardenburg – Treasurer; Lynn Scullion – Secretary; David Hay – Director; Trish Van Vliet – Director; Sabine Abbasi – Director and Kaleigh Pickering – Director.

Upcoming Annual General Meeting

We extend an invitation to any interested individual with the knowledge, experience, time and willingness to contribute to the mission and ideals of the Society. Please submit your brief resume for nomination as a director to Governance Committee Chair at by April 26, 2025.

The Election of the directors will take place at the Annual General Meeting to be held May 24, 2025 at the Kilby Historic Site Cafe, 215 Kilby Road, Harrison Mills, BC at 9:30 am. For further information
call 604-796-0414


Would you like to become a member of the Kilby Heritage Society? 

Memberships help the Society to collect, preserve, research and interpret the unique history of the Kilby family and the general store and farm they operated. Educational programming, exhibits, programs for seniors and publications are all part of the Society’s mandate to bring the awareness of the importance of heritage to the public.

Membership Benefits: $15 per Adult (over the age of 16)

  • A one year membership from January 1 to December 31st to the Kilby Heritage Society.
  • Complimentary  Newsletter  –  you  will  receive  a  quarterly  newsletter  including information on the Society activities, update from the museum and heritage farm, up- coming events, new projects, fundraising, volunteer and employment opportunities.
  • One Complimentary Day Pass to the Historic Site.
  • Members are encouraged to serve as Volunteers either at the museum or campground, and because we encourage all members of the society to become volunteers at the site or campground we require an enhanced criminal record check.
  • Members are welcome to attend the Society’s Annual General Meeting.

To become a KHS Member…you can become a KHS Member one of four easy ways!

1. By Phone: call (604) 491-3610 where we accept payments by credit card;

2. By email: to e-transfer your payment or

3. By Mail:  mail your cheque payable to the Kilby Heritage Society, P.O. Box #84, Harrison Mills, BC V0M 1L0. or

4. By E-Transfer to password “Membership”

Kilby Heritage Society
215 Kilby Road, Box #84,
Harrison Mills, BC
V0M 1L0
Phone: 604-796-0414
Fax: 604-796-9592